Behind the Creative I:

I was born in Longmont, Colorado, in 1988. I’ve been a creative thinker since the second grade. Once I start a piece, I lose myself for hours. Art has always been my constant. I don’t plan my work. Everything I create comes from a curious thought. A flash of something in my mind

I just paint, draw, or sculpt what I see in the shadows on the blank canvas–a unique skill. It always felt more connected to the chaos and experiences I handled.

Growing up, it wasn’t always easy. I wasn’t born into wealth or privilege. I’m a minority that faced prejudice and discrimination. My style is mine alone, and I’m proud to say I’m entirely self-taught.

Lane Smith’s illustrations were a huge inspiration. I would stare at the covers of weird, wild books like “The True Story of the 3 Little Pigs”, and “The Stinky Cheese Man, and Other Fairly Stupid Tales”. That strange, offbeat creativity stuck with me. I’ve always been connected to the strange and unconventional.

As my art evolved, I began exploring themes of philosophy, identity, and societal contradictions. I focus on the grey areas—the spaces between rhetoric, natural law, and human connection. I sometimes reflect on my experiences as a combat engineer fighting in Iraq. My curiosity and patience learning to play an instrument or cultivate. The education I received from the University of Colorado. Including the ambition that gives me grit, heart, and discipline as an MMA fighter.

My work isn’t about perfection or conformity. It’s about raw expression’s—capturing what I see, feel, and experience. My style reflects on the fluid, complex nature of life.

Beyond the Frames: A Gallery of Expression.

My commitment to excellence shines through my use of Winsor and Newton Oil Colors. With Gamblin Ivory I mostly use and blend the primary colors. Creating a rich and dynamic palette. I have a profound understanding of high and low-key values, a lot of my artwork captivates the senses. I use black and white pigments to enhance gradation, tones, and shadows. Bringing my artistic compositions to life with transparency and texture.

My unique approach to art has garnered widespread recognition and acclaim. From adorning T-shirts and Army Achievement coins for the United States Army. To gracing the walls of prestigious exhibitions like the “Wild and Wonderful-Menagerie” in Washington, North Carolina. My work has captivated audiences across the nation. With nods from Museum of Modern art associates, and accolades such as a 2nd Place win in the Pleasure as Art Competition for sculpting and design. My impact on the art world is undeniable.

Each piece in my collection is a testament to my skill. They are sought-after treasures for many collectors. Art aficionados that appreciate artistry that pushes the boundaries of the imagination and rhetoric. Experience the surreal and truly one-of-a-kind world. Where every creation tells a story and invites you to explore the depths of the human experience.

All Rights are Reserved by the artist. © 2018-2025, Isiah A. Arvizu